Discovery Term 4

WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice- " I made a cat mask. I am very proud of it".

Te Reo Term 4

WALT speak Te Reo and use Maori phrases.

Student Voice " I can say some Maori words".

CARE Term 4

WALT use the Oaklands CARE values.
Student Voice - " I have my Bronze and Silver CARE because I am a good community person".

Physical Education Term 4

WALT use our ball skills.

Student Voice - " I can kick this ball a long way ".

Maths Term 3 Strand

WALT order and compare objects or events by length by direct comparison using a gingerbread man shape.

Student Voice - "I can measure with my hand, my foot and my ruler".

Discovery Term 3

 WALT use our key competencies.

Student Voice - ' I am doing a science experiment. It's very exciting!".

Integrated Unit Term 3 Drama

WALT role play and act as sea critters. 

"I was the leader at the drama presentation. I did a great job". 

Writing Term 3

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA We will have written about an event that has happened. We will have answered some of these questions - who, what, when,why, where? 

On Saturday the All Blacks versed the Wallabies. At half time the score was 44-6. On the last second of the clock a try was given to us and we got the kick. The last score was 51 - 20. 

Student voice - I have written about the All Blacks - who? , on Saturday - when? rugby - what?

Reading Term 2

WALT use strategies in reading.
SUCCESS CRITERIA I will use the picture,  look at the words,  get my mouth ready, read on and come back to the unknown word.
Reading strategies

Numeracy Term 2

WALT count in 2s,5s and 10s forwards and backwards.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - I can count 2, 4, 6, 8,10  up to 100 and back again
                                      - I can count 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30 up to 100 and back again.
                                     -  I can count 10, 20, 30, 40, 50 up to 100 and back again.
Count by 2s,5s,10s. 

Writing Term 2

WALT write a recount.
SUCCESS CRITERIA - We will have written about something that has already happened and we will have  events in the correct order.

I watched the rugby. It was the All Blacks vs England. The All Blacks won by 28-27. It was a close game.

Student Voice - "I have written about something that has already happened".

Discovery Term 2


Art Term 2

Today with Mr Shaskey we learned about sketching and drawing. We learned to set the limits, draw the outline and then add the shapes.

We can follow instructions and sketch some fruit and vegetables

Art Term 1

I am learning to: sketch and paint. 
I can do this when I can: use drawing techniques, mix colours, use different painting strokes and outline a painting.

Writing Term 1 2014

WALT write a recount about something that has already happened. We are starting with a capital letter and finishing each sentence with a fullstop.

On the weekend I went to touch. 

Student voice - " I have started with a capital letter and put a fullstop at the end".